285 | The Truth About Type 2 Diabetes: It’s Not Your Genes, You Have the Power! 

In this episode, we tackle a common misconception: the belief that type 2 diabetes is solely caused by genetics. The explanation of how lifestyle choices—particularly diet—play the leading role in the cause of this condition. Discover the science behind insulin resistance, why processed foods disrupt your biology, and how you can regain control over your health. Before turning to medications, learn how simple, deliberate food changes can transform your blood sugar levels. This episode includes practical advice to challenge beliefs, overcome cravings, and embrace a healthier future without dependency on the “healthcare” industry.

284: Overcoming Insulin Resistance: My Journey in Creating Lasting Change

This podcast explores my personal journey of overcoming insulin resistance (IR) which has led me to helping other women with type 2 diabetes achieve better health. Sharing my own struggle with gestational diabetes and the challenges of being a busy professional, I explain from my unique perspective how traditional medicine often focuses on symptom management rather than root causes. I detail my transformation through coaching, rethinking health beliefs, and embracing functional, healthy approaches to food and lifestyle changes. This episode also emphasizes why change feels uncomfortable due to neurochemistry and how leaning into discomfort leads to lasting results.

283: Dream Big, Fail Forward: Setting Goals That Stick for 2025

In this episode, we explore how to set meaningful health goals for 2025 that help reverse insulin resistance and improve type 2 diabetes naturally. You’ll learn how to dream big, break your goals into actionable steps, and address past failures with a champion’s mindset. By investigating what’s held you back and creating a granular plan, you can overcome barriers and achieve lasting success. Whether it’s lowering blood sugars, losing weight, or dropping medications, this episode will guide you in turning your intentions into reality. Let’s make 2025 your healthiest year yet!

282: Holiday Joy & Blood Sugars

This episode talks about the importance of dropping our worries during the holiday season. When we see that anxiety is feeling out of control about the future and depression is feeling out of control about our past, we start to see that living in the moment is the only place we have any control and agency. This is the place where we can make a difference. This episode makes a case for the benefits of living in the present and challenges you to do it!

WARNING: I had some microphone issues in the last few minutes of the podcast. It was during my medication warning, so here it is in print:

If you’re on medications for type 2 diabetes, be cautious when changing your diet. Your meds were prescribed based on your eating habits, so adjustments will be needed. Monitor your blood sugars closely and open a clear line of communication with your doctor to ensure your safety.

281: Holiday Treats vs. Better Blood Sugars: How to Enjoy the Season Without Sacrificing Your Health

The holidays can feel like a minefield of tempting foods, conflicting desires, and food pushers urging you to indulge. This episode dives into managing cravings and urges while honoring your health goals—without missing out on the season’s joy. Learn how to make a plan that balances enjoying holiday treats and keeping your blood sugars steady. Discover strategies for handling unexpected temptations, advocating for yourself, and using simple tools like fasting and exercise to mitigate the effects of indulgence. Tune in to take control of your holidays, savor the moments, and protect your health.

280: Diabetes & Muscle: How Building Muscle Reverses Insulin Resistance and Lowers Blood Sugars

Building muscle is a powerful tool for improving insulin resistance, the root cause of type 2 diabetes. Muscle acts as a storage site for glucose, helping to lower blood sugar levels and reduce A1c over time. Larger muscles store more glucose, making them critical for managing fasting blood sugars effectively. While insulin sensitivity can improve, limited muscle mass may still lead to elevated blood sugar levels. Strength training, particularly lifting heavy weights, is essential for building muscle and enhancing glucose storage. Incorporating weightlifting into your routine improves blood sugar control, boosts metabolism, strengthens bones, and supports overall health.

279: How to Manage Diabetes and Health Through the Holidays: Building the Mindset for Long-Term Success

This episode focuses on how women with type 2 diabetes can navigate the holiday season while working toward better health. The root of sustainable health isn’t just food or exercise—it’s mindset. We explore how shifting from an external locus of control (“health is out of my hands”) to an internal one (“I create my health”) can empower women to make better choices.

Learn how healthy individuals approach food, stress, sleep, and the unexpected, especially during the holidays. By adopting small, consistent changes, you can start living like a healthy person now—even in the face of challenges. Discover actionable steps to take control of your diabetes, health, and life.

Visualize your future without diabetes, take small daily steps, and grow your power to change. Want to take the first step? Schedule a Better Blood Sugars Assessment Call today!

278 How to Enjoy the Holidays without Worsening Your Diabetes

The holidays are coming, and it’s easy to avoid discomfort by giving in to unhealthy choices. But discipline, though uncomfortable, leads to freedom. Avoiding hard choices—like skipping that extra slice of pie or ignoring fasting blood sugar levels—creates long-term challenges. Discipline in food choices and health habits can reverse insulin resistance and improve type 2 diabetes. It’s not about avoiding all enjoyment but planning what truly matters and sticking to it. Practicing discomfort now, like resisting food desires, builds the freedom of a healthier, med-free life. This holiday season, lean into discomfort to stay on track and enjoy true freedom.

277: Why You Won’t Stop Until You Fix Your Diabetes

In this episode, we dive into the journey of a woman battling type 2 diabetes. She’s tired of meds and endless advice that doesn’t work—until she meets a guide (that’s me!) who helps her take action. Through the 14 Days to Better Blood Sugars plan, she discovers how small changes can avoid failure and lead to long-term success.

We’ll explore why 90% of Americans are insulin resistant, how to take control of your health, and why avoiding the financial and life quality toll of diabetes is possible. Ready to rewrite your story? Set up a Better Blood Sugars Assessment Call!

276: Four Pillars to Fixing Your Diabetes Naturally!

Are you ready to take control of your diabetes and leave medications behind? In this episode, we dive into the four key pillars—food, exercise, sleep, and stress management—that can transform your health and blood sugars. Understand why “eat less, move more” isn’t the answer and how consistency with the right strategies can lead to lasting results. Whether you’re feeling stuck or unsure of your next steps, tune in to learn actionable steps that will help you thrive. Ready for more personalized guidance? Schedule your Better Blood Sugars Assessment Call today!