Episode #120–Cleaning Up Your Diet

I teach my clients three tools for reversing type 2 diabetes. Intermittent fasting, nutritional ketosis, and cleaning up your diet. “What is cleaning up your diet?” you ask…

It is The One Thing you can do to get the most impact on your health and reverse your type 2 diabetes. This episode tells you how to do it! Enjoy!

Ep #119–Interview With Jen Jackson, MD About Functional Medicine

The DelaneMD program utilizes a “Functional Medicine” approach to reversing type 2 diabetes. You might ask, what is Functional Medicine? How is it different from traditional medicine? What is wrong with the health of America? Check out this podcast where I interview a Functional Medicine practitioner and answer all of these questions, AND MORE!

Episode #118 – Reversing Diabetes with Better Self-Care

I teach my clients to how to take EXQUISITELY good care of themselves. My program revolves around learning the importance of taking exquisite care of yourself. I teach self-care strategies. The most important self-care strategy I teach is how to stop putting foods in your body that make you sick with diseases like type 2 diabetes. When we start valuing self-care, we start to understand that the bag of Halloween candy is NOT a treat. It is NOT self care. Anything that causes our bodies to be sick with any disease is NOT a treat. This podcast episode teaches strategies for self-care and the mindset to IMPLMENT them. DO IT!!

Ep #117 Why Our Brains Think the Worst

Do you ever ask yourself why it is always doom and gloom?  Why does my brain always go to the worst case scenario?  This episode will answer those questions.  The human brain is hardwired to a negativity bias.  This negativity bias often leads to results we do not like in our lives.  This episode discusses what negativity bias is, how it shows up in our lives creating self-sabotaging results with type 2 diabetes, and how to stop it! (Photo courtesy of The Awkward

Ep. #116 Tools Not Rules for Reversing Diabetes

I teach tools to my clients. Lots of them. Intermittent fasting, nutritional ketosis, and cleaning up your diet. But the most important tools I teach, the tools that are most effective in helping my clients reverse their type 2 diabetes are the tools of awareness. There are many individual tools that I teach to help my clients gain awareness. Learning awareness is how every other tool I teach becomes effective in creating permanent changes in your life. Unfortunately many times we learn strategies and treat them as RULES we must follow, not TOOLS to gain awareness. In this episode of Reversing Diabetes with DelaneMD, I talk about why they are tools not rules, how making rules keeps us stuck, and how to use tools to create the health we are wanting in our lives!

Ep #115 Reversing Diabetes Improves Inflammation and Obesity

There is so much information out there about diabetes-related complications. This leads many people to worry about their diabetes, such that they do not realize how the disease is impacting other organ systems. This episode is the last of a series discussing the impact high insulin has on our entire bodies. I discuss how high insulin levels (the process that leads to type 2 diabetes) also leads to obesity and triggers inflammatory responses in our bodies.

Ep #114 The Dopamine Dumps

Reversing type 2 diabetes starts with figuring out why we are choosing to eat food when we know it is creating our disease. It’s always a choice, but knowing how neurochemistry impacts this experience creates clarity in order to drive decisions in favor of our goals. This episode discusses how dopamine works to create motivation or squash our motivation.

Ep #113 Dementia & Insulin

upset woman with gray hair touching head and looking at wall calendar

In my DelaneMD program I help women reverse their diabetes with lifestyle modifications. Diabetes is caused by insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is caused by too much insulin in our system. Too much insulin in our system is caused by the foods we eat (for the most part!). But the benefit of reversing your diabetes does not stop there. Reversing the insulin resistance has far reaching benefits to other parts of our bodies and other diseases. In this podcast I discuss the relationship with insulin resistance and dementia. I review various mechanisms that are thought to contribute to dementia. I also discuss why medications are not doing a great job at treating dementia.