Ep #114 The Dopamine Dumps

Reversing type 2 diabetes starts with figuring out why we are choosing to eat food when we know it is creating our disease. It’s always a choice, but knowing how neurochemistry impacts this experience creates clarity in order to drive decisions in favor of our goals. This episode discusses how dopamine works to create motivation or squash our motivation.

Ep #113 Dementia & Insulin

upset woman with gray hair touching head and looking at wall calendar

In my DelaneMD program I help women reverse their diabetes with lifestyle modifications. Diabetes is caused by insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is caused by too much insulin in our system. Too much insulin in our system is caused by the foods we eat (for the most part!). But the benefit of reversing your diabetes does not stop there. Reversing the insulin resistance has far reaching benefits to other parts of our bodies and other diseases. In this podcast I discuss the relationship with insulin resistance and dementia. I review various mechanisms that are thought to contribute to dementia. I also discuss why medications are not doing a great job at treating dementia.

Ep #111 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome & Insulin Resistance

Upset woman lie sad in the bed with negative pregnancy test

If you listen to my podcast regularly, you understand that type 2 diabetes is a disease of too much insulin in your system. But did you know several other diseases are correlated with hyperinsulinemia (aka too much insulin)? During this podcast episode, I discuss polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and how insulin impacts various hormones causing the hallmark symptoms of PCOS, such as abnormal hair growth, irregular periods, and infertility.

Ep #110 Collect Better Biology & Eat the Cake

Birthday cake with blue candles

We often avoid making healthful changes because we believe “being healthy” means never eating the foods we love. In this podcast episode, I share a conversation I had with a woman who believed this and lamented not eating a recipe from her childhood that had special meaning. My recommendation was, “go ahead and eat the cake!” When you start living a naturally healthy life and reverse your type 2 diabetes, you also start collecting better biology. Better biology means your body is prepared to handle the occasional food insult, such as a piece of cake on your birthday.

Ep #109 Emotional Eating: 4 Steps to Manage Negative Emotions

Overweight woman opening a fridge at kitchen

Avoiding negative emotions can lead to poorer health. Often, we turn to activities, alcohol, or food to “buffer” away negative emotions.  Buffering is distracting ourselves from the negative emotion. During this podcast, I discuss why allowing our emotions is so important for living a naturally healthy life.  I also present strategies for digging into and managing our emotions without turning to food or alcohol.  

Ep #108 Book Review

What books do I love? This podcast is going to tell you my recommendations! The work that I do with women involves learning science, learning about our minds, and giving ourselves the grace and space to learn how to live naturally healthy lives free from the struggles of diabetes.  Reversing diabetes is HARD WORK.  It’s a process.  There are many books I recommend to help along the way.  This podcast dives into a few of them!  I hope you enjoy it!

Ep #106 Causes of High Fasting Blood Sugars

Clients often contact me worried because their morning fasting blood sugars are higher than their evening non-fasting blood sugars. I tell them, “No, you aren’t eating in your sleep.” Fasting blood sugars are an indication of your overall health, not of what you recently ate. The two factors that influence fasting blood sugars are cortisol release and insulin resistance. During this podcast episode, I discuss some non-food related factors that affect fasting blood sugars.

Ep #105 Cultivating Thoughts& Feelings

Learning to manage thoughts and feelings are essential to living a naturally healthy life. As we have discussed in previous podcast episodes, our thoughts drive emotions (feelings), actions and inevitably our results. Coaching helps you to address those thoughts and feelings that do not align with your goals. During this podcast, I review the thought model and discuss how to manage challenging thoughts and feelings so you can reverse diabetes and live a naturally healthy life.

Ep #105 Cultivating Thoughts& Feelings

Learning to manage thoughts and feelings are essential to living a naturally healthy life. As we have discussed in previous podcast episodes, our thoughts drive emotions (feelings), actions and inevitably our results. Coaching helps you to address those thoughts and feelings that do not align with your goals. During this podcast, I review the thought model and discuss how to manage challenging thoughts and feelings so you can reverse diabetes and live a naturally healthy life.

Ep #103 Shame: How It Keeps You Stuck

Addressing the negative emotions that often drive us to eat is essential to implementing permanent lifestyle changes, living healthy and reversing type 2 diabetes. Shame is one of the most difficult negative emotions to address. Shame is the emotion that will erode the part of ourselves that believes we are capable of change. During this podcast episode, I discuss how to recognize shame and strategies for dealing with shame.