Ep #108 Book Review

What books do I love? This podcast is going to tell you my recommendations! The work that I do with women involves learning science, learning about our minds, and giving ourselves the grace and space to learn how to live naturally healthy lives free from the struggles of diabetes.  Reversing diabetes is HARD WORK.  It’s a process.  There are many books I recommend to help along the way.  This podcast dives into a few of them!  I hope you enjoy it!

Ep #107 Interview with Charlotte

It is a privilege working with my clients. During this interview, I talk with Charlotte about her journey to being naturally healthy. As a registered nurse with a graduate degree in public health, Charlotte thought she new what was making her sick. Starting in her 20s, she often shamed herself for not being in control of her health. Charlotte tried different commercial programs and failed to get her weight and health under control.  Then she found DelaneMD. Check out this amazing and inspiring discussion with Charlotte.

Ep #101 Q&A: Potatoes, Dairy & Food Protocols

During this podcast episode, I answer several common questions submitted by podcast listeners. Many questions are straightforward, such as “Why are Wheat Thins bad to eat?” but provide a launching off point for a more in-depth discussion on the problems with processed foods. Additionally, I discuss (1) how to create a food protocol, (2) whether potatoes and fruit are healthy for diabetics, (3) touch on the neurochemistry of several foods, such as dairy, and (4) many more questions.

Ep #100 Beyond Disease-Free: Optimizing Your Health

Client often engage my coaching services because they want to reverse their type 2 diabetes and stop insulin injections and medications. Typically, these goals are achieved in the first 3-weeks. For the rest of the 6-month program, we work on our thoughts, beliefs and achieving new goals. Often, this means clients start moving beyond just eliminating disease and begin working to gain better health, vitality, and longevity. For this 100th episode, I discuss my journey to health and vitality.

Ep #99 Your Health: How Positivity Undermines Success

In America, we are often told to “be positive” or “look on the Brightside.” This addiction to positivity, however, can undermine our progress towards goals. My clients often shrug off their failures by saying, “I didn’t do that bad” or “I’m still doing better than before.” Looking on the Brightside causes people to not glean the important lessons from feelings, which results in repeating the same counterproductive action. During this podcast, I discuss the dangers of toxic positivity and how to use feelings as data to improve health, reverse diabetes, and achieve health goals.

Ep #98 The Target Draws the Arrow

Achieving your goals takes time and practice. Clients want to achieve their goals quickly. They want to reverse diabetes and lose weight, but when it does not happen immediately, they think something is wrong. The good news is reversing diabetes can happen quickly, but goals like weight loss are dependent upon the limits of biology. During this episode, I discuss the biology and neurology of permanent lifestyle changes, and the mindset strategy to achieve them as quickly as biologically possible.

Ep #97 The Negative Effects of Stress on Health & How to Fix It

Living a naturally healthy life free from type 2 diabetes and other chronic conditions requires more than just eating right. Other non-food factors, such as stress, influence hormones and body chemistry. During this podcast, I discuss the effects of stress on your body and introduce evidence-based strategies for managing stress.

Ep #93 Client Interview with Carol: Moving Past Western Medicine

When Carol’s lab results were outside of normal range, her physicians tried to put her on medication. Carol pushed back and decided to take a more naturally healthy path. After 6-months of coaching with DelaneMD, Carol saw improvement or normalization in many lab values including A1c, thyroid and cholesterol. During this podcast, I discuss Carol’s amazing and empowering journey to being naturally healthy.

Ep #92 Finding Your Purpose: Interview with Gabrielle Smith

Living a naturally healthy life free from type 2 diabetes and daily finger sticks requires that we learn to not use food to buffer negative emotions. One of the common drivers of negative emotions is dissatisfaction at work, dissatisfaction in life, and the consternation over not knowing or living up to our purpose. During this episode, I talk with Gabrielle Smith, Life and Purpose Coach, about her coaching philosophy and the steps she teaches to help women discover their purpose, live authentically, and find happiness.