Waning Motivation

EP233: Waning Motivation
This episode explores the nature of motivation, delving into the reasons behind its fluctuations. I review the causes and source of motivation, particularly how it can be intense when implementing new health regimens. This discussion uses your personal commitment to improving your blood sugars as an example, revisiting the ease of keeping our commitment to ourselves when it is fueled by enthusiasm and excitement. However, inevitably this motivation fades. A mindset shift becomes necessary. The solution to waning motivation lies in making decisions ahead of time, committing to the plan, and persevering even when you don’t feel like it, not relying on serendipitous feelings like excitement, enthusiasm, and motivation but instead being proactive with a plan. Try it out! Tell me how it goes!
Disclaimer: If you have been medicated for your type 2 diabetes, BE CAREFUL! Remember, you have been medicated because of the way you have eaten in the past. If you change the way you are eating, your medications will have to change also. Watch your sugars closely, call your medical provided, review your sugars with them. They will adjust your medications as needed.