EP200: How to Improve Your Relationships
We all want to have amazing relationships. Women frequently feel our value is determined by the relationships in our lives. We struggle because we cannot control the other humans in our relationships. This leads to feelings of hurt, disappointment, and sometimes anger. Our society teaches us that others in our lives have to change in order for our relationships to be good. We try to make that happen, and others in our lives feel manipulated. We can’t understand why it doesn’t fix our relationships.
This podcast will break down where the problem is with this approach we are taught in society and give you a functional strategy for changing. Check it out!
Disclaimer: If you have been medicated for your type 2 diabetes, BE CAREFUL! Remember, you have been medicated because of the way you have eaten in the past. If you change the way you are eating, your medications will have to change also. Watch your sugars closely, call your medical provided, review your sugars with them. They will adjust your medications as needed.