
EP212: How to Stop Doing THAT!

You know how sometimes we say things like, “I don’t know why I keep doing that.” Or “I can’t seem to help myself.” This podcast episode covers a functional way to evaluate our thoughts and feelings as they move through our brain, in order to change our behaviors and STOP doing the things that keep us sick with type 2 diabetes. You can learn how to change your behaviors–stop eating the cupcakes and start getting up to exercise each morning. You can change your life and implement behaviors to live a naturally healthy life. When we are trying to reverse our diabetes, it is important to realize how the brain works in order to create some awareness of how and where to place our efforts for change. Many people believe that our behaviors just happen to us, in a serendipitous way. “I don’t know why I keep eating the cupcakes.” This makes sense to think it’s serendipity. Your love for the cupcakes came serendipitously–no one has ever had to put effort into growing that desire, but there it is–loud and proud. We do not understand where that desire came from, and we expect the desire for salad and salmon to show up in the same way–serendipitously. It is just not so! This episode talks about why!
Reversing Diabetes with DelaneMD
Reversing Diabetes with DelaneMD
EP212: How to Stop Doing THAT!

Disclaimer: If you have been medicated for your type 2 diabetes, BE CAREFUL!  Remember, you have been medicated because of the way you have eaten in the past.  If you change the way you are eating, your medications will have to change also.  Watch your sugars closely, call your medical provided, review your sugars with them.  They will adjust your medications as needed. 

