
EP263: Buffering Stressful Emotions & Diabetes

This episode discusses the concept of "buffering," where women use food or other activities to avoid negative emotions or situations. If you have type 2 diabetes, this often means eating unhealthy foods when feeling stressed or overwhelmed, leading to insulin resistance and a sense of being out of control. The episode differentiates between "true" pleasures, like spending time with loved ones, which bring slow, long-lasting joy, and "artificial" pleasures, like processed foods or social media, which offer quick but temporary satisfaction and often lead to negative consequences. Understanding and managing these behaviors is key to better health.
Reversing Diabetes with DelaneMD
Reversing Diabetes with DelaneMD
EP263: Buffering Stressful Emotions & Diabetes

Disclaimer: If you have been medicated for your type 2 diabetes, BE CAREFUL!  Remember, you have been medicated because of the way you have eaten in the past.  If you change the way you are eating, your medications will have to change also.  Watch your sugars closely, call your medical provided, review your sugars with them.  They will adjust your medications as needed. 



Download your free 14 day guide to better blood sugars

The 14 Days to Better Blood Sugars Workbook is a step-by-step guide to improve your blood sugars.  It serves two purposes.  First to improve your blood sugars, but second to show you what kinds of foods match your biology.  The foods that you have eaten in the past, were such a mismatch to your biology that they have created disease in your body.  They made you sick. 


This guide gives you a clear picture of how to do this differently.  

Or BOOK an assessment CALL

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