Ep #31 When to Eat: The Role of Insulin

If you’re interested in losing weight and managing common weight-related ailments, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, when you eat may be as important as what you eat. Tens of thousands of years ago, food wasn’t as abundant. Consequently, the human animal would enjoy large feasts followed by periods of famine. The reason humans didn’t die off as a species is because our bodies evolved processes to endure long periods of not eating by using insulin to store energy. In this podcast, I discuss the role of insulin and why eating all day long is detrimental to your health.
Ep #4 Fasting: The Other F-Word

Anyone who knows me, knows I drop the f-bomb like it’s a comma. In this Podcast I discuss another f-word… FASTING. The concept of fasting is not new. For centuries, people have fasted a variety of reasons including politically-motivated hunger strikes and religious observances. Yet today if you mention fasting, most people cringe and explain “low-blood-sugar makes them cranky.” A growing body of research suggests that fasting, or specifically intermittent fasting, is effective for weight loss and managing common weight-related disease.
Intermittent Fasting FAQs

Following my Facebook LIVE on intermittent fasting, I was inundated with questions. I put together this FAQs on fasting to provide additional clarity and information.